Today I visited the web site, I pleased to say that I belong from Domail, I watched the pictures mentioned at your site and noted that some imported places of domail not mentioned like, Domail station, Mandi, Graveyard and ponds e.t.c., however great wibsite.
Aslam o Alaikum
Today I visited the web site, I pleased to say that I belong from Domail, I watched the pictures mentioned at your site and noted that some imported places of domail not mentioned like, Domail station, Mandi, Graveyard and ponds e.t.c., however great wibsite.
Thanks for visiting and yes we will be adding those soon to the website!
saaaraa ne photo buuuun sore hen 🙂 tusssaaan na bu bu thanx b /c of ths website we visited pindsultani.