Profiles page

AOA, We are working on profiles page, where we will add details about every person in pindsultani village (name, father name, category, gender, phone and email (optional), some description. Its a long task but we will keep adding records to it from time to time.

Please send your details to me at [email protected] with your picture (optional).  We will assign a category.


Atiq ur Rehman

9 thoughts on “Profiles page

  1. sir i am student of engineering and also student of Asharf bhai in school life.i like this site & thnx all to all team of
    wish u best of luk

  2. Although you are uploaded the information related to Pind Sultani village, but it would be appropriate that some information of neighbor village of Domail may also be incorporated as this village also have a historical back ground prior to independence.
    Hope you will consider this

    1. Sure Faisal, will do that, if you have some info, please send us too. I am thinking about making a page for domail village and also other neighbor village.

  3. Thanks for your response and it gives me pleasure that you are also developing a page for domail. This will make the web site more comprehensive and informative. I am trying to get the information for Domail village and will be provided.

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