I am belonging to Domail Village and residing in Islamabad since my birth. After seeing the above pictures and I would like to inform that railway station being served to Pind Sultani village is Domail Railway Station, but the pictures of Basal Railway Station placed in the web site. Why?
These pictures were taken not in relation to what station server Pindsultani, but general information about the station as it in the neighborhood and it is also used by the pindsultani people a bit. We will be putting pictures about Domail station shortly.
Thanks for responding my observations and hope that u will place picture of Domail RS very shortly. The history of Domail station is very important as when steam engine were on track, after Jand RS only Domail RS where the water facility available for filling water in the engine.
I am belonging to Domail Village and residing in Islamabad since my birth. After seeing the above pictures and I would like to inform that railway station being served to Pind Sultani village is Domail Railway Station, but the pictures of Basal Railway Station placed in the web site. Why?
Hi Faisal,
These pictures were taken not in relation to what station server Pindsultani, but general information about the station as it in the neighborhood and it is also used by the pindsultani people a bit. We will be putting pictures about Domail station shortly.
Thanks for responding my observations and hope that u will place picture of Domail RS very shortly. The history of Domail station is very important as when steam engine were on track, after Jand RS only Domail RS where the water facility available for filling water in the engine.